Monday, September 22, 2008

Halo "Flood Infection form"

In Halo, the Flood are a parasitic race that take over dead bodies and use them to find more dead bodies (or make more). The Infection form is the most basic and most common form of Flood. They look like little glowing... things, with legs. they are the smallest enemies in the game. Infection forms usually come in large swarms. When one is killed, it bursts, killing all nearby infection forms, which then burst. Due to this fact, it is often possible to kill a whole swarm with one shot. Infection forms do almost no damage to shields but do a massive amount of damage to unshielded beings.As with all flood, it is not advisable to stick plasma grenades to them, as they will bring it right back to you before it explodes.I will post pictures of all flood forms tomorrow or the next day.

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